Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Can't Say Anything Else But - God Is So Good!

God is so good! Seriously, I have just gotten off my knees praising God and all I could say during that prayer was "God you are so good". I tried expressing it in a different way, I tried to think of things I could say to descibe His goodness, but I couldn't . I just kept saying "God you are so good" over and over and over again.

During my last post, I had expressed some of the struggles during my trip here in Canada. Discouragement and a lot of worrying and anxiousness... but when it all clicked, when I chose to believe that God is good despite all the things around me telling me otherwise, His faithfullness just flowed through.

I am on the second night of my fundraising concert. There has been so many people who gave their money and time to come, I am so blessed by them. I even have one guy coming for all three nights! Money aside, this project has just given me the opportunity to share God with people. People have been so responsive.

I had also received some news from the Philippines and about the new apartment I will be moving into. Everything has been provided for - for free! Fridge, tv, bed, sheets, comforter, washing machine, microwave and more!! I am blown away! All I have to buy is a curtain rod, curtain and electric fan!

Doors are opening, opportunities and projects are being offered to me. A couple of weeks ago, I felt lost and scared. It is so true that God will only bring you as far as you let Him bring you. In my way of thinking - if I thought that He wasn't almighty, if He wasn't going to provide for me... He couldn't have blessed me as much as He has so far.

What else can I say? Except that - God Is So Good!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

When Things Don't Go As Planned

So I have been in Canada for a couple of weeks now, and I will be going back to the Philippines in less than two weeks! Time is flying by so fast. Things have definately not gone the way I had envisioned it to be. Not that I had any big plans - just priorities, but even some of those didn't push through. My cousin told me something funny the other day that really made me think. She said: "Do you know how to make God laugh?" and of course, I said "No, how?" and she said "Show Him your plans!". That definitely made me laugh, because it is so true! We make all these plans for ourselves, thinking that they are God's plans too. Not that there is anything wrong with making plans - because it says in His word that a wise person makes plans. But sometimes when things don't go our way we think God has left us or is punishing us... or we doubt Him. Which I guess is natural, after all, we are human. The truth is though, is that God has the perfect blueprint for our lives - now, there are going to be hills and valleys, but He will always be in control because He has planned every little detail. Let's not forget his promise in Jeremiah 29:11.

I guess I have had to meditate on that for the past couple of weeks. There has been some things that have really discouraged me, really challenged me. I am definitely out of my comfort zone and not in my element. When it comes down to it, it's all a battle of the mind - what I choose to believe about myself and about God. Don't get me wrong, I am so blessed with this trip. I get to spend time with my family and friends, and have rest among other things.

I guess all I have really been able to do here is spend time with people - talk to them. I have just met so many different kinds of people, so many different Christians, with different convictions and levels of understanding. I have learned so much by just listening and not even verbilizing my opinions or thoughts. There have also been people who God has brought into my life at this time to minister to - who ask me questions and want know more about God. It amazes me how He would use me when I feel so weak. It makes me realize how unworthy I am and how richly blessed at the same time. It's so true that it will glorify Him more to use us when we in and of ourselves are not capable - because it's about Him and his capabilities, not ours.

I don't know what is in store for me in the next week and a half I have left here in Canada - or for the next year in the Philippines for that matter! It is scary if I really think about it. But I guess the point is - I am not supposed to know those things. I am not supposed to know what my blueprint looks like. I am not supposed to know when a hill or valley will be coming up. That's for Him to know and for me to rely on Him more for. Through this, He will reveal himself more to me - His grace, His faithfullness, His love, His power... His personality! That's what I am looking forward to, that's what makes me excited for what is up ahead. It's not going to be easy, but through good and bad - there's something new I will learn about Him, something new to love Him more for.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tacloban Trip - February 2007

Just got back last week from Tacloban, it was absolutely amazing! Ever since I went there last year, 2006 for a mission trip, I have always had a burden to go back. I know that I am a missionary here in the Philippines, but I never thought of going anywhere by myself for a mission. During the prayer and fasting at church last January, it was really impressed in my heart to go on mission trips all over the Philippines - to make a long story short, Tacloban is one of the places I was told to go.

The plan was to start an outreach bible study group, create a discipleship program to help in raising leaders in the faith and to link these people to a local church. I had no idea how I was going to do this.... but of course, God had a plan. He continually opened door after door for me during this trip! I even got to share with a variety of people from different walks of life - from men, women, young, old, foreigners locals, rich and poor. So many people were eager to hear about the word of God. Although not all these people accepted Jesus into their lives, I am confident that a seed had been planted - and God will take care of the rest.

I organized a bible study to take place every second night while I was there. Every night of bible study, more than likely someone new would arrive and would receive salvation. Amazing! I did one2one (a discipleship booklet designed to help follow up new believers start right in their walk with God) with most of the girls who attended - even did one in Tagalog! Truly, God can use your weakness for His glory! Afterwards, I was in awe of God`s goodness, I could`t believe He would use me to share His word in a language I had such difficulty speaking! It all just came out of my mouth.. and as I was speaking it - in my head I am shocked at myself... it definitely was not me! Haha.

For those who showed a lot of promise and passion for the teachings, I trained them to do one2one with others as well as facilitate the bible study on their own so as to continue when I left. I was so blessed by one of these girls, her name is Jelah. Almost every day she would come to the house hungry for more of God`s word, hungry to learn about discipleship and evangelism. She spoke of wanting to be used mightily for God`s Kingdom.. and I have no doubt in my mind that God will use her. In fact, when I did the one2one booklet with her (it`s 12 sessions) - she already had people lined up for her to do one2one with. All she was waiting for was for me to do the rest of the sessions with her.

My last Sunday there I brought all the girls to a church called Tacloban Bible Community. TBC is an evangelistic, bible believing church. There were so many things that happened during the trip - so many revelations, so many blessings, so many things that I learned... and I wish I could share it all with all of you. I am happy that I had accomplished everything that God has asked me to do in Tacloban.. but I know I need to go back in the following months to follow up on the progress, as well there were so many other people who had shown interest but were not able to participate.

I just want to thank those who supported this trip through financial giving and prayers. Thank you for being willing to be used to further His kingdom! I am so excited to find out about all the things God has planned for those in Tacloban, as well as the other trips I will be going on this year. Make sure to check out the pictures on the "Photo Album" section of my multiply... there's also a video of my little six year old cousin doing One2One in the "Video" section, it's so cute! God's grace was truly magnified for me on this trip! I hope you were encouraged by what you have read and that He was glorified. God bless you!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A Little Support Please :)

As most of you know, I have been here in the Philippines since January and I have been doing so many different things, mostly ministry work. One of my main focuses being here in the Philippines is an orphanage called Babyanne's Mansion: A Home for Children Inc. To learn more about the orphanage, you can check out the website (www.fishersministries.com). This project is what has been taking up most of my time. Currently, I am a volunteer so, this means, I am not getting paid for the work that I am doing. So here's the deal! I need to raise funds to support myself, even just a little bit :) hehe.

So, I would like to let you know that I have been sending my Mom merchandise there for purchase. Items include: jewelry (pearl, swarovski), unique and stylish purses, pashminas, even household items such as trendy Asian inspired table runners, pillowcases and more! All the proceeds contribute to my living expenses here in the Philippines, for all the missionary work that I am doing. Please do consider contacting her if you are looking for the perfect gift for a friend or family member or even just to get yourself a little something ;) You can email me for her contact info, you all know my email address, right?

Hopefully, I can post some pictures of the items I had sent her. Also, I am planning on coming back home in October for a couple of months! So excited to see you all :) I will also be bringing items to buy, perfect for the Christmas season, so please, please, please do wait for it. I need to fundraise for my ticket to come back here! Hehe. All your support would be greatly, extremely appreciated! Thanks to all those who constantly pray for me! I am safe, I am healthy and God is using me abundantly! Again, I miss you guys!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Sun Is Out!

I had an awesome, awesome day today! First thing is when I woke up it actually wasn't raining! That in and of itself made me feel much better. I really do realize now how much the rain affects my mood. I have been having a hard time these past weeks, it's been raining like crazy as I had commented in my previous post. So anyways, when I woke up I went online and I got to chat with some of my friends from Canada... which made me a little homesick, but I am so thankful for the technology now-a-days, we can all stay connected and communicate with each other so much easier. Haha, so there were five of us having a little conference on MSN Messenger! I got to catch up with them a bit :)

I couldn't stay online for that long though because I had to go to ENLI class. ENLI (Every Nation Leadership Institute) is a course that I am taking to equip me to better disciple others and be a leader, it's sort of like a bible school. Actually, I was little worried because there was a possibility that there was going to be a quiz for class... a quiz that I did not study for! Anyhoo, when I walked in, the teacher announced that there IS a quiz. So during most of the lesson, I am studying for it.. and it turned out I got 19/20! Woohoo! God's grace talaga! Haha!

After, I had a meeting for the Youth Worship Team. It was a pretty productive meeting. Plus, guess what... waa.... something that I have been praying for for a long time actually came to pass. They asked me to lead worship at church for the youth. I am actually embarrassed to share this... but I am just so happy I need to share it! I am a little scared because it's quite intimidating, not to mention a HUGE responsibility. I know I am ready, I know it! Haha. So my first day to lead will be this August 10th during the prayer meeting. One of my friends that is a worship leader actually said he would sing back up for me, which is so sweet! Considering that he is already a worship leader... one of the best :P Craziness, I can't get over this whole thing! I am so honored.. haha, and scared! Lord, thank you, thank you, thank you!

After that, hmm, this is like nine-thirty in the evening :) I went out with some of my friends from my small group to watch a couple of gigs. Wiseguys at Metro Bar and then U-Turn at Off the Grill. Haha, three of us were actually talked into singing "Emotions" on stage. This was quite amusing considering that we didn't really do the voicing properly.. and I don't know all the lyrics... plus I don't sing pop.. not to mention the feed-back. Here were some people's comments on our performance: "That's a really difficult song to sing", "You guys had your moments"! HAHAHAHA... which in short basically means we didn't do that well! But it really doesn't matter, coz I had so much fun! After that we went over to a friends house and hung out and ate breakfast :)

It was just such a good day.... I haven't had a good day in a while! It's like I felt God give me a big hug and a kiss today. I know it won't always be like this, but when it is, I gotta treasure it right? God is good! Well, it's 4:44am right now, I got home maybe half an hour ago :) I have a meeting at 8:30am! I better try to catch some sleep, hehe. Goodnight... erm... hmm, goodmorning!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Yo, What's Up, What's Up?

I just realized how long it has actually been since I have written on here! So much has been going on, but things have slowed down a bit so I have a some time to update you all on what's been up with me :) I am not even sure where to start! First of all, it's rainy season here so it's a little difficult to go out because the streets are sometimes flooded. Also, whenever there's rain here, you can be sure there will also be traffic! I'll try to take a pic of this to share with you guys next time. Haha, everyone is a little tamad (lazy) to go out because of the rain... well actually, it's not JUST rain, it's crazy rain. Anyhow...

Haha, to explain the title of this entry, I have a little story to tell! I was with one of my friends waiting for a taxi on the side of the street. Now, I am always cautious about men who walk by me.. I always make a suplada (snobby) face because men here are scarier than in Canada. I'll explain that a bit more next time... but the gist is that they look at you sometimes like they are gonna eat you up or something, or they are checking you out. Anyhoo. So yeah, there was this guy who walked by us, he was really dark and was wearing long shorts and a dirty T-Shirt. He looked basically like a bum on the street. I didn't really look at this guys' face in particular, but my friend was looking at him and he pushed me aside. So everything seemed fine for a few minutes and the guy who walked past us was a couple of meters away from us. All of a sudden, he turns around and starts saying "Yo, what's up, what's up?" with matching hand gestures! To say the least, my friend and I started speed walking in the other direction! I have no idea what that was about... I am just glad that the guy didn't pursue us or run after us. My cousin suggested that maybe that guy was probably high on something.

I really do realize how dangerous it is here sometimes, and I know that most of the time it is just by the grace of God that I am still okay. He has also blessed me with guy friends that are gentlemen enough to keep me out of trouble, to accompany me when no one else can, to even just get me a taxi or to walk with me places. It's tough being a girl, but I know God's got my back and I am so blessed!

Hmm, well, I really wanted to update you guys on other things, but it looks like it'll have to wait for another time! Perhaps tomorrow? :) I have lots more stories to share about my adventures here, so check back soon! Missing all of my Canadian friends! Please do keep me in your prayers :)

Monday, May 15, 2006

Day Off

Oh my goodness, I have been crazy busy for the last several weeks. I actually got to have a day off today in which I ended up doing paperwork and replying to emails that I had been putting off. It's alright though because I am so fulfilled. I know that God has me here for all these reasons and He is the one sustaining me.

You might be asking what has been keeping me busy? Well, I'll tell you - the Babyanne's Mansion Project. We signed the contract several weeks ago for the house, so we are currently focusing on fundraising for the house payments as well as the reconstruction which we would like to start in January. Another thing that has been keeping me busy is the music ministry at church, so I sing for both the youth and the main services. Also small groups - I have one that I am a part of and one that I lead (yehey!! hehe).

Here are some pictures of our F.I.S.H.E.R.S. Bible Study. This was our fun night several months ago. I don't have any current pics :( It was so much fun! We went swimming in Bulacan. We have been getting a few new people. We are currently doing the Purpose Driven Life series, we did Day 11 today which is about Becoming Best Friend's with God. We have several new people in the group and our sharing has been so blessed because of it!

I also joined an event called Campus Harvest - which is a three day confrence for youth all over asia to encourage them to share the word of God in their campuses. I am part of the primetime which is a play/spoken word in which I play a Goth character named Selene! Pretty intense stuff, could you imagine me being Goth? On the left is a picture from one of our rehearsals! Haha, I think I am the oldest person in that bunch... they keep calling me Ate (big sister). They are all awesome, talented people!

I think this is all I have the energy to update you about right now. I wish I had more time to share with you all the things that have been going on over here! God is definately using me here and I am so blessed :) I hope all of you are doing well over there in Canada! I miss you!